Sunday, September 20, 2015

What I know as truth

For 5 years before I had kids I was caffeine free. I felt great and lost a ton of weight. Since then my caffeine intake has escalated to the point that it is causing me to ride an energy roller coaster. I've also had a lot of anxiety over the last year or so to the point that I reached out for meds to help with it. The meds make me feel even worse so I don't take them. Instead I started researching and looking for patterns. Because of pregnancy I also started using Splenda since sweet-n-low is a pregnancy no-no. I decided a week ago to cut out Splenda completely and Reduce my caffeine to 1 cup of coffee a day. The change is incredible. In just one week I feel calmer, my mind is clearer, I'm sleeping better, and my energy level is up. Friday I stupidly grabbed a soda at lunch, just a small bottle, and I felt awful all afternoon from the caffeine yo-yo. I'm starting smoothie breakfasts this week. And I'm ok with the fact that I gained back the ten pounds I lost the last couple months. I turn 40 in 6 days. It is what it is at this point.