Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 1

Week 1 was easier than I thought it would be. Just from the small changes I've made, I've started to feel different. My body feels lighter somehow. I did lose 1.5 pounds so at least I'm trending ahead.

Goal 1: Walk at least 20 minutes a day.
      ***I walked every day. Today I didn't get up and walk as I had to be at work super early but I walked all over campus today and because it was friggin' cold, I power walked. I'm counting that. I have felt really good after each walk even if it is a bear to get up each morning.

Goal 2: Snack on fruits and vegetables.
      ***I've done better with this. I'm still eating a lot of granola bars for snack too but I did take bagged veggies a few days and ate salads for lunch (and sometimes dinner) every day except Friday.

Goal 3: Eat every 3 hours.
     ***I also did better with this. I tried to make sure I ate at 9a which is about 3 hours after breakfast, again at 12, but then I struggle with the afternoon snack. I'm usually just so busy and still full from lunch that I don't remember.

Goal 4: No evening sweet fix.
     ***I didn't eat a single evening sweet treat until tonight and I treated myself with girl scout cookies I bought at Kroger. I haven't missed the treats at all but have noticed I wake up with my stomach growling.

Goal 5: Drink 8 glasses of water
    ***This was my big fail this week. I was doing great drinking at least 6 cups at work and another 2 with dinner but then the water main broke at work and the water looks funny so we are all avoiding it. I will have to assess the situation on Monday and possibly buy bottled water. I am horrible about drinking enough water while at home. I do know though that I'm so much more mentally clear when I drink 8 glasses or more a day.

Weight tracker:

2/21  189
2/28  187.5

Saturday, February 21, 2015

And, we begin again...

A friend of mine is tracking her weight loss toward a 40th birthday trip she's taking. That kind of motivated me to start tracking. I've gained at least 5 pounds since leaving teaching. now that I'm not moving constantly all day, I guess I'm not burning as much as I'm eating. I do think I'm actually eating less though as I'm not snacking as much. That might be the problem though is that I used to have a snack about every 2-3 hours at school. Now I'm so busy that some days I look up and it is lunch time. I think he eating small meals works better for me.

So I have exactly 31 weeks until I turn 40. I only have about 20 pounds to lose so that is completely doable! More than doable if I put my mind to it. And if my goal is 1 pound per week, even if I have a bad week, I should reach that goal. So now I just have to figure out how to do it. Tracking my food just doesn't work for me at the moment. I tried it last week and I sort of did it for a day but not the way I needed to so I know I won't be able to keep up. So I think instead I'm just going to set goals for myself that set up a healthy lifestyle but still fit within the craziness of my life.

Goal 1: Walk at least 20 minutes a day.
Goal 2: Snack on fruits and vegetables.
Goal 3: Eat every 3 hours.
Goal 4: No evening sweet fix.
Goal 5: Drink 8 glasses of water

Doable! Doable! Doable!

Goal weight:  167 (my pre-baby weight)

Weight tracker:

2/21 189