Sunday, May 31, 2015


I'm struggling. I've gained 4 lbs this week. How is that? Gotta get ultra focused. We ate out a couple times last weekend and we also ate real food for dinner more this week than in the last month. I ordered a Fitbit zip and will institute some sort of exercise routine but not sure what. I'm disappointed in this set back.

Friday, May 22, 2015


182.2 today....0.2 away from my lowest in 3 years. 8.8 lbs in 3 weeks with no exercise (I'm not bragging...just stating facts). I know for health reasons I've got to start walking. I think that will be a June goal I set. But for now I'm just so happy to have found the easiest meal plan I've discovered yet that actually is causing results and taking no extra time.  I'm not hungry, my cravings have gone away, I can still eat out, I don't feel deprived at ALL, and best of all I don't think about food anymore. Hubby is also the lowest he's been in a long time. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

3 weeks

So I agreed to 3 weeks on my mock nutrisystem to see if I could lose weight. 3 weeks and zero exercise later, I'm down 5 pounds. I haven't been hungry. I'm eating real food along with and sometimes in place of the prepared meals. I have noticed my cravings strongly reduced, my stomach is flatter, and my moods more stable. 18 more pounds to go in 20 weeks.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Weight update

2.8 lbs down in two weeks. It's been more, it's been less. I trying to just weigh on Fridays so I don't get discouraged by lower numbers during the week. Friday's have been my most consistent weigh day. I will share more later about the journey but wanted to post results ASAP.